Yearbook/Scrapbook Committee
The elementary school has a school yearbook that can be pre-ordered. Volunteers are needed to assist in creation, editing, production, orders & distribution of yearbook. A scrapbook is available for families to view in the elementary school office. A team of dedicated scrappers work throughout the year to create beautiful pages to record the history of our school events. Volunteers are needed to help with both the yearbook and scrapbook. Approximate time commitment 1-2 hours per month, more time required in the spring.


Elementary School Yearbook
If you have any questions or concerns please contact Tricia Thomas at  Also, if you have any pictures of elementary school events or classroom activities please email them to the above address.  The more pictures we have the better the yearbook will be for your children.

Please keep in mind that all parent volunteers MUST have a completed background check on file in the office!